Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mountain folks

To those of you who know me I have a thing for moonshine. Yeah that illegal stuff good stories and bad hangovers are made of. Now when you talk about  the Ol' North State its only a matter of time until someone talks about the stuff. So in honor of all those who make the stuff in the same way our forefathers did when they first came to this great country, I am going to post up a short video series showing the labors of making the fabled mountain nectar we Carolina folk hold so dear.

Number One

Who really thinks of Bass fishing in December? I know I usually don't, unless you are counting day dreams. I got the urge to fish on Thursday and made a call to Dave who lives on the Haw River to see how the water looked. To make a long story short it rained all day Friday and well into the night. Knowing it had possibly turned the Haw to mud I awaited the call from Dave early on Saturday morning. It was good to hear him say come on it looks good, so I tossed the rod in the truck and took off. When we set out walking to the "good" spot the temperature was around 39 or 40 and the wind blowing about 10 mph. I had  my doubts about catching any thing but a cold. We made it to the spot Dave had fished a week or so earlier and had luck with, and after less than 10 cast I found luck also with a 2 to 2.5 pounder.

Then after a while and a few more to Dave's hand, he hooks into a big one across the river from me. He fights it for a little, I watch it dance across the top of the water. He finally gets it to within inches of his fingers when it decides to spit the large spinner bait back out. From seeing the acrobatics and the look on Dave's face when it spit out the hook I can say it was one of the bigger ones I have seen on the Haw.